Free Methods to Transcribe Audio Recordings into Text

Transcribing audio recordings can be a time-consuming and tedious task. Many individuals and businesses often require transcription services to convert audio content into written text. While there are several tools and services available in the market for audio transcription, not everyone has the budget to invest in these services. In this article, we will explore some free methods that can help you transcribe audio recordings into text.

1. Manual Transcription

One of the simplest and most cost-effective ways to transcribe audio recordings is to do it manually. This method requires listening to the audio and typing out the spoken content. While this approach may be time-consuming, it is highly accurate and allows you to have complete control over the transcript.

To manually transcribe audio recordings, follow these steps:

  1. Set up a comfortable work environment with a reliable audio player and a text editor.
  2. Play the audio recording and start typing out the content as accurately as possible.
  3. Use the pause and playback functions to ensure accuracy and catch any missed content.
  4. Proofread and edit the transcript for any errors or typos.

While manual transcription is a time-intensive process, it is free and accessible to anyone with a computer and basic typing skills.

2. Speech-to-Text Tools

Another free method to transcribe audio recordings is by using speech-to-text tools. These tools utilize advanced algorithms to convert spoken words into text. While not as accurate as manual transcription, they can still provide a decent starting point, saving you time and effort.

There are various speech-to-text tools available online, some of which include:

  • Google Docs Voice Typing: Google Docs offers a built-in voice typing feature that can transcribe audio recordings directly in the document. Simply click on "Tools" > "Voice typing" and start speaking while the tool converts your audio into text.
  • Microsoft Azure Speech to Text: Microsoft Azure provides a cloud-based speech-to-text service that allows you to transcribe audio recordings. You can access this tool through the Azure portal and follow the instructions to upload and transcribe your audio files.
  • Speechnotes: Speechnotes is a web-based speech recognition notepad that converts your spoken words into text. It provides a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy to transcribe audio recordings.

While speech-to-text tools are convenient, their accuracy may vary depending on factors such as audio quality and background noise. Proofreading and editing the generated transcript is necessary for achieving the desired level of accuracy.

3. PlainScribe

If you are looking for a user-friendly web app that combines transcription, translation, and summarization features, PlainScribe is a great option to consider. PlainScribe offers a range of tools to help you transcribe your audio recordings efficiently and accurately.

With PlainScribe, you can:

  • Upload and transcribe audio files in various formats.
  • Edit and proofread transcriptions with ease.
  • Translate transcriptions into different languages.
  • Summarize lengthy transcripts for quick analysis.

To access PlainScribe, visit their website at and explore their versatile set of features for audio transcription.


Transcribing audio recordings into text doesn't have to be an expensive undertaking. By utilizing free methods such as manual transcription and speech-to-text tools like Google Docs Voice Typing or Microsoft Azure Speech to Text, you can convert your audio content into written text without breaking the bank. Additionally, if you seek a comprehensive solution with added convenience, PlainScribe offers a web app that serves as a one-stop-shop for all your transcription, translation, and summarization needs.


Transcribe, Translate & Summarize your files

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